Health, Medicine, Wellness Christopher Shulgan Health, Medicine, Wellness Christopher Shulgan

Ep. 121: How to Relieve Seasonal Allergies

Summer is all about days in the park, meals in the backyard and weekends at the cottage. For more than 25 percent of Canadians, summer is also about red, itchy eyes and nasal congestion. Too often, seasonal allergies put dents in our summer plans—and over-the-counter medications don’t always help with symptoms. Dr. Anne Ellis (pictured above), professor of medicine and chair of the division of allergy and immunology at Queen’s University, is director of the Environmental Exposure Unit, an internationally recognized facility where she leads allergy research trials. Here, Dr. Ellis and Medcan CMO Dr. Peter Nord tell you everything you need to know about why you have allergies, why allergy season is getting worse and what you can do about it.

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A podcast that helps you eat well, move well, and think well

Each week, Shaun Francis and his team interview leading experts in the fields of health and wellness.